• Friends of the Rio de Flag Sign Contest

    Award-Winning Sign Design by tmsr The Friends of the Rio, a stream stewards effort in Flagstaff, reached out to the art community for a design [...]

  • A subcontract and so much more tmsr Design Delivery was engaged as a subcontractor with Olive + Goose. Their clientele was beyond stellar. Projects included [...]

  • The Development Center (TDC) was seeking assistance to update the user experience on their website. The web structure was not only dated, but the form [...]

  • June 16–June 25, 2022 A Pandemic Re-schedule to a Land of the Midnight Sun Trying to share this experience... A culture that doesn't regulate their [...]

  • Burt Gershater's homepage After

    Burt set his 2014 website in motion with the idea that he would add many articles and grow his product list. His web designer thus [...]

  • March – May 2022   Valuing Springs Ecosystem Services to Inform Sustainable Forested Rangeland Management   tmsr was commissioned by Julie M. Mueller, Ph.D., [...]

  • The short story? A friend asked and tmsr Design Delivery delivered.

  • Various subject matter that strikes the fancy. Perhaps something is of interest to you? Tap on an image to expand to full size.

  • A much-needed makeover for a very busy client 2022 It was time for a 2022 makeover! We moved the site off of a deprecated theme [...]