Plateau Masonry

Plateau Masonry

In early 2024, the owner of Plateau Masonry approached me for assistance moving his website from the current design and hosting environment. His dated website led him to a much-needed renovation.

The HTML5-built website showcases what Plateau Masonry does – and has been doing for more than 35 years. We also provided a marketing spin to present his work as Landscape Masons who provide “space experiences.”

Visit the Plateau Masonry Website HERE.

tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024

When the owner of Plateau Masonry first approached me for assistance moving his website from the current designer, we worked through choosing a new host, transferring the website, and then transferring the domain registration as well.

tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024
tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024

In early 2024, the owner of Plateau Masonry approached me for assistance moving his website from the current design and hosting environment. His dated website led him to a much-needed renovation.

The HTML5-built website showcases what Plateau Masonry does – and has been doing for more than 35 years. We also provided a marketing spin to present his work as Landscape Masons who provide “space experiences.”

Visit the Plateau Masonry Website HERE.

tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024

When the owner of Plateau Masonry first approached me for assistance moving his website from the current designer, we worked through choosing a new host, transferring the website, and then transferring the domain registration as well.

tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024
tmsr Design Delivery homepage screenshot 2024